آخر الأخبار
... مرحبا بزورا موقع الرقية الشرعية وعلاج السحر

إذاعة الشيخ عبد الباسط عبد الصمد للقران الكريم - المصحف المجود بث مباشر 24 ساعة

استمع الى الرقية الشرعية للشيخ احمد العجمي للعلاج السحر والمس والعين




Some peoples are jealous of their relatives or friends growing business so the cast spells through magician on that person witch is running business and getting success. When magician finish his work, all of the sudden, running business or shop experiences heavy losses day by day and no cure, strategy, idea becomes practical and in some cases, the business completely gets wiped out – then one must get alarmed that an aspect of jealousy or enmity is behind all this who to satisfy his evil intentions has taken support of some sort of magician who destroyed the business and because of that, the victim faces severe trials of high blood pressure, tensions, heart diseases and loses hope and eventually dies. Here is some major symptoms for this kind of magic spells,
  • Anger and Irritation increase
  • Incredibly mentally unstable
  • Losing business day by day
  • Memory loosing
  • Complexion darkens, as does your life
  • Loosing money or loosing the blessings over it
  • Devilish, malefic, or evil thoughts
  • Occasional thoughts of suicide
  • Hyper pigmentation 
  • Loosing customers day by day
  • Headache & feel pain in whole body
  • Dreams of snakes, scorpions, or spiders  
SPIRITUAL CURE: Says Azan 7 times and play Surah Bakrah on effected place. After Fajar and Esha prayers Read Durood Sahrif 7 times, Surah Al-Imran Verse no 26, 27 101 times, Durood Sharif 7 times then below on water and use to drink and drop on effected place. do same non-stop till 40 days. The effects of magic will remove and business run again.

وانت تقرأ هذا الموضوع استمع للرقية الشرعية تعمل 24 ساعة طوال اليوم لابطال السحر والعين والمس العاشق

استمع لرقيةابطال السحر والعين والحسد والمس العاشق

استمع لرقية ايات خروج الجن والسحر والعين والمس العاشق

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إرسال تعليق

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صفحتنا في الفيسبوك ولطلب العلاج مجانا

جميع الحقوق محفوظه © لطلب العلاج اقرا الموضوع الموجود في الاسفل مباشرة

تصميم htytemed